Our multipurpose vessels
Vessels and Containers are the elemental parts of a modern shipping company. The MACS operation is spearheaded by its fleet of Multipurpose vessels capable of handling every type of cargo and containers. No other carrier between Europe, Southern Africa and the United States offers such flexibility.
- Multipurpose Container Vessel
- Built 2013
- Deadweight 37,443 mt
- Container capacity 2,225 TEU
- Heavy Lift Gear up to 60mt / 240mt
Full Specs
Blue Master II / Golden Karoo / Bright Sky / Green Mountain
Multipurpose Container Vessel
Container capacity:
2,225 TEU
Gear / Heavy lift gear:
60mt / 240mt
Cargo holds:
5 box shaped holds
Hatch sizes:
#1: 20m x 13.3m,
#2: 2 x 28m x 12.73m,
#3: 2 x 36m x 12.73m,
#4: 2 x 28m x 12.73m,
2 x 21.6m x 12.73m
Cargo space ventilation:
6 airchanges / hour
All details given in good faith but without guarantee
- Multipurpose Box Shaped twd Container Vessel
- Built 2001
- Deadweight 30,538 mt
- Container capacity 1,829 TEU
- Heavy Lift Gear up to 50mt / 200mt
Full Specs
Red Cedar
Multipurpose Box Shaped twd Container Vessel
Container capacity:
1,829 TEU
Gear / Heavy lift gear:
50mt / 200mt
Cargo holds:
5 box shaped holds
Hatch sizes:
#1: 12.8m x 15.4m and 12.8m x 20.4m,
#2 - 4: 2 x 25.6m x 10.3m,
#5: 2 x 12.8m x 10.3m
Cargo space ventilation:
6 airchanges / hour
All details given in good faith but without guarantee
- Multi-Purpose Container Vessel
- Built 2011
- Deadweight 33,271mt
- Container capacity 1158 TEU
- Heavy Lift Gear up to 110 (in combination with T-beam)
Full Specs
Grey Fox / Lilac Roller
Multi-Purpose Container Vessel
Container capacity:
1158 TEU
Gear / Heavy lift gear:
60mt / 110mt
Cargo holds:
#1: T-shaped; #2-4: Box-shaped; #5: Monkey rocks in hold
Hatch sizes:
#1: 13.00 m X 10.55 / 20.40 m
#2: 28.95 m X 26.59 m
#3: 28.95 m X 26.59 m
#4: 28.95 m X 26.59 m
#5: 13.24 m X 26.59 m
Cargo space ventilation:
vessels holds are electrically ventilated
All details given in good faith but without guarantee
- General Cargo Ship
- Built 2015
- Deadweight 38,767 mt
- Container capacity 1,706 TEU
Full Specs
Container capacity:
1,709 TEU
Gear / Heavy lift gear:
4x40mt / 2&3 combinable to 78mt
Hatch sizes:
#1: 12.8m x 22.5m,
#2, 4 & 5: 26.4m x 25.0m
#3 & 6: 12.8m x 25.0m
All details given in good faith but without guarantee
- General Cargo Ship
- Built 2015
- Deadweight 39,202 mt
- Container capacity 1,706 TEU
Full Specs
Gear / Heavy lift gear:
3 x 48t (28.0m) 1 x 71t (33.5M)
Hatch sizes:
Hatch #1: 14.95 x 20.8/16.762m,
Hatch #2, #3, #4: 23.40 x 25.40m
Hatch #5: 17.25 x 25.40m
All details given in good faith but without guarantee
- General Cargo Ship
- Built 2015
- Deadweight 38,767 mt
- Container capacity 1,706 TEU
Full Specs
Golden Isle
Gear / Heavy lift gear:
3 x 48t (28.0m) 1 x 71t (33.5M)
Hatch sizes:
Hatch 1# 9.60m/6.40m(L) x 20.80m/16.20m(W) – Wide Hatch,
Hatch 2#-5# 20.00m(L) x 27.00m(W) – Open Hatch
All details given in good faith but without guarantee