

Is theory too boring for you? Then start your professional life with dual vocational training. Here, practical activities within the company alternate with the attendance of the vocational school in block lessons, and after only 2.5 to 3 years, the training ends with an examination before the Chamber of Commerce.

In Hamburg, MACS regularly trains in the profession of Shipping and Chartering Manager (Schifffahrtskauffrau/-mann) specialised in the scheduled liner trade or tramp trade.

Shipping and Chartering Managers plan and organise the transport of goods of all kinds in international maritime transport. This includes acquiring cargo, creating schedules, deploying containers, and organizing crew. With this training you find your occupation in many industries and areas and you will be in high demand as a proven expert.

MACS offers an innovative, international working environment as well as a varied and hands-on practical training directly on the river Elbe. You will get to know the areas of Marketing & Sales, Operations, Technical Inspection, Container Logistics and Claims.


Please contact to find out when spots are available.

In addition, we also offer dual vocational training for

  • Information Technology Specialist, Systems Integration (Fachinformatiker/in Systemintegration) 3 years apprenticeship
  • Information Technology Specialist, Data and Process Analysis + B.Sc. in Computer Science (Duales Studium Fachinformatiker/in Daten- und Prozessanalyse + B.Sc. in Informatik) 1 year of studies after completion of the apprenticeship
  • Office Manager (Kauffrau/-mann für Büromanagement) 2.5 to 3 years apprenticeship

Please contact to find out when spots are available.